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Take a look at some of the responsibilities each position holds.
For a complete list please refer to the By-laws.



  • Preside at all meetings of the Executive Board, Board of Governors (BOG), and club functions.

  • Serve as ex-officio member on all committees.

  • Act as the official spokesperson for the HCSC.

  • Appoint all Committee Chairs and a Parliamentarian.

  • Maintain oversight of the Executive Board.

  • Sign checks and expenditures of funds in the absence of the Treasurer.

  • Call any special meeting of the BOG.

  • Assume committee responsibilities for all major fundraisers when necessary.

  • Award certificates of appreciation to members when deemed appropriate.

  • Distribute formal invitations, thank you notes, and letters alongside the Secretary.

  • Purchase farewell gifts for outgoing board members and departing advisors with all gifts.


  • Maintain Robert’s Rules of Order, the Constitution, and the Bylaws at all

  • meetings during which HCSC business is conducted.

  • Advise the BOG of the correct parliamentary conduct during meetings.

  • Serve as Chairperson of the annual Bylaws and the biennial Constitution revision.

  • Serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee and conduct elections at April function.

  • Post Constitution and Bylaws for the general membership to view at all.

  • Submit to Approving Authorities reports and requests for permission to operate as stipulated in USAREUR Private Organization and Fundraising Policy.


  • Maintain historical records, in digital format (scrapbook/slideshow), of the HCSCactivities throughout the year. A digital record will be presented to the outgoing

  • President, the entire BOG, and one will be placed in the archives.

  • Maintain a personal digital camera for use of fulfilling HCSC obligations.

  • Upload functions and event photos to the HCSC Social Media monthly.


  • Send program and/or events invitations to general membership no later than 14 days prior to an event.

  • Take reservations and cancellations for all HCSC functions.

  • Create and provide nametags for all monthly functions.


  • Be an active volunteer at the Hohenfels Thrift Shop.

  • Present to the HCSC Board pertinent news related to the Thrift Shop at the monthly

  • Board meeting to include closures and pay status of Thrift Shop employees as needed.

  • Assist the Thrift Shop Manager and employees as necessary to include training of volunteers and new employees.

  • Recruit Thrift Shop volunteers at the General membership meetings. Maintain volunteer relations by proper recognition of specific volunteers and their achievements.

  • Interview and screen applicants along with the Thrift Shop Advisor for the manager position


  • Maintain the HCSC Building. Shall coordinate all maintenance of the building and grounds though the Directorate of Public Works (DPW) or the appropriate oversight unit.

  • Maintain a current inventory of all HCSC property.

  • Maintain a member check out log of all HCSC property.

  • Maintain a hand receipt record of appropriate property.


  • Assist the President; and, in the President’s absence, perform the duties of that office.

  • Fulfill any non-expired term of the Presidency.

  • Provide oversight of any Sub Clubs, the Website/Newsletter, AWAG, Thrift Shop andPublicity.

  • Serve on Thrift Shop Board.

  • Maintain a current file all fundraising procedures applicable to club functions and activities.

  • Purchase a farewell gift for the President.

  • Serve on the Constitution and Bylaws Revision Committee.


  • Chair Programs Committee to assist with and execute all monthly programs throughout the Board year.

  • Maintain a current file of applicable regulations related to all fund raising procedures.

  • Plan, coordinate and execute one general membership function per month for September through May.

  • Chair and coordinate Membership drive(s) in conjunction with Membership Chair.

  • Provide oversight for the Bazaar, Spring Fundraiser, Hospitality, Membership, Reservations and the Volunteer Coordinator.


  • Attend and accurately record the minutes of all meetings in which business is conducted.

  • In the absence of the Secretary, the Secretary will designate another board member to record minutes, and:

  • Pick up mail from HCSC mailbox and distribute weekly.

  • Maintain HCSC position email account.

  • Ensure boardroom is set up for monthly board meeting.

  • Prepare minutes from board meetings and distribute copies to HCSC Board members at the subsequent board meeting for approval.

  • Prepare correspondence requested by the President or other BOG members pertaining to HCSC business or social functions.

  • Purchase supplies to include paper, pens, printer cartridges, etc. as necessary.

  • Provide oversight for the Historian and Property Manager Distribute formal invitations, thank you notes, and letters alongside the President.

  • Update and prepare board notebooks for each position to include standardized reference material (i.e. Constitution, and appropriate regulations).


  • Be responsible for all AWAG information throughout the board year.

  • Act as a contact between the AWAG Area Representative and HCSC to pass information.

  • Serve on the Fall Area Conference committee.

  • Publicize the Annual Conference in the community and make recommendations to the HCSC Governing Board to decide who will attend the AWAG Annual Conference using the club funds.


  • Identify new members at each event for recognition and presentation of membership pin.

  • Welcome each guest at social functions.

  • Coordinate hostess sign-up for board meeting lunches and events.

  • Support and coordinate with Membership whenever necessary.

  • Assist Second Vice President with implementing events, on the day of event.


  • Be custodian of all HCSC funds.

  • Collect, receive, deposit, and record the collection of the HCSC monies and sign all checks, paying all approved HCSC debts.

  • Receive profits from the Hohenfels Thrift Shop.

  • Keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures.

  • Submit the books for an annual audit.

  • Provide financial oversight for the Welfare Committee, the Thrift Shop, Ways and Means, and the Scholarship Committee

  • Submit and vote on HCSC’s proposed budget composed of all board positions.

  • Disburse checks for approved Welfare requests.

  • Disburse checks for approved Scholarships.

  • Serve on fundraiser committees as Treasurer.

  • Collect budget for the next year from all board committee members.


  • Ensure that a representative is present to brief ACS “Hallo Hohenfels” attendees about HCSC

  • Update the welcome letter for the ACS newcomer packets annually.

  • Monitor and post upcoming events to Social Media.

  • Prepare and submit advertising copy to the community digital board for upcoming events.

  • Disseminate membership trifolds and flyers for upcoming events at the monthly Hallo Hohenfels.

  • Create, print, and distribute flyers to multiple locations in the community promoting club functions and events.

  • Coordinate advertising, Public Service announcements, news stories, commercial
    interviews and other broadcast coverage.


  • Prepare all certificates of appreciation presented by HCSC.

  • Serve as HCSC representative to Installation Volunteer Coordinator and attend all Army.

  • Volunteer Committee meetings. Submit nominations for Volunteer Recognition monthly.


  • Contact prospective members.

  • Maintain a membership table at general membership functions where allowed and at HCSC activities.

  • Coordinate with the Thrift Shop and Treasurer to collect all new membership applications twice a month.

  • Maintain a current list of members and furnish list to the Reservation Chair with monthly corrections and updates.

  • Maintain a current email contact list on general HCSC account.

  • Coordinate membership drives with the Second Vice President.


  • Present all proposed fundraisers to the Board of Governors.

  • Create a committee to organize and plan individual events

  • Maintain a record of all contracts, sales, donations, receipts, purchases, partners, donors, persons or business solicited from. And any other documentation relating to each fundraiser. 

  • Coordinate all publicity of each fundraiser with the Publicity and Webmaster chairpersons.

  • Perform any and all additional responsibility deemed necessary for the benefits of the HCSC.


  • Provide High School Counselor with current application for students.

  • Receive scholarship applications and research validity of each request.

  • Coordinate with the 2nd VP to organize and execute Scholarship Recipient Ceremony for

  • adult recipients in conjunction with the May Luncheon.

  • Coordinate with the High School to organize and execute a Scholarship Recognition Ceremony for High School recipients in conjunction with the Senior Dinner.

  • Notify scholarship awardees.

  • Attend high school College Night.


  • Run the Ways and Means table at monthly functions andevents as necessary.

  • Be responsible for purchasing items for monthly Ways and Means merchandise table.

  • Maintain accurate inventory records of Ways and Means items and safeguarding of merchandise.

  • Operate Ways and Means table at Bazaars as allowed.

There are a variety of unfilled positions on the HCSC board of governors.

If you are interested in a position, please fill out the form below.

©2021 by Hohenfels Community & Spouses' Club.

DISCLAIMER: The Hohenfels Community and Spouses' Club is a non-federal entity. It is not a part of the US Department of Defense or any of its components and has no governmental status. It is a private organization and not part of USAG Bavaria or the Joint Military Readiness Center.

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